Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentines and Karaoke: a winning combination

I am now going on my third week in Shanghai. At this point, I have figured out my way around the city and have become at least marginally proficient. I have some new photos and video to post but a quick comment on the previous post. Did everyone hear about the hotel fire in Beijing? Fireworks related. I have no idea how that doesnt happen more often. The funny thing is that the office next to the hotel organized the fireworks show but forgot to ask permission from the hotel. Their statement to the hotel...Sorry. Pretty amusing.

Ok so on to current events. I am in the swing of things with work and found out last week I will be traveling to Singapore for a week which Im pretty stoked about. Im trying to plan a weekend with a friend that lives there to head to the Phillipines for a beach vaca but we will see what happens. Also, last week, we attended this amazing dinner which featured a performance of the famous Chinese mask changing magic. I have loaded video.

Pretty cool stuff. This weekend I spent all of yesterday shopping. The cost of everything is amazing. I bought 2 suits custom for 950RMB which is $140 total. I also picked up a backpack and sweaters for dirt cheap. Lets just hope they dont turn to dirt in the wash.

Yesterday was Valentine's Day which is surprisingly a huge holiday here too. Restaurants, flowers, and bars all increase prices for the holiday. As we are all in Shanghai working, what better way to celebrate than with Karaoke. A block from our apts is a place called party city. It only caters to Karaoke and was a converted hotel. Needless to say, it was very nice. My voice is quite hoarse today and some of these photos may explain it. Im still working out how to video tape my commute without looking like a scary tourist but as soon as I get it figured out, it will be posted here. In the meantime, here are some misc photos thus far.

I will be traveling back to Chicago for the first weekend in March and will be back from Thurs night to Tues morning so hopefully I can catch up with folks then. Hope all is well.



  1. I think I figured out how to follow your blogs. I had to make an account or something. Hopefully it will send updates to my Google email. How is the food there;is it healthy? I can only imagine how different the culture and food is there. Hopefully you get to travel to Beijing to visit another city that hosted the Olympic Games. Did you hear? London is next.

  2. The title of this one made me laugh out loud. Keep the pictures coming!
